Get Your Prescriptions Easier When Canada Lifts COVID-19 Testing Rules

written by CANPharmaWorld - Feb 25, 2022
medically reviewed by Dr. Tolulope Olabintan, MD - Mar 2, 2022

Canada’s lifting travel restrictions means a return to cheaper prescription drugs for Americans.

Beginning February 28, 2022, Americans will be able to travel to Canada without a PCR test. This is major news for the many Americans who once relied on travel to Canada not only for tourism and leisure purposes, but also for important missions such as business meetings or buying their prescriptions more affordably across the border.

The Government of Canada issued an explanation behind this shift: “Recent data indicates that the latest wave of COVID-19 driven by the Omicron variant has passed its peak in Canada. As provinces and territories adjust their public health measures, and as we transition away from the crisis phase, it is now time to move towards a more sustainable approach to long-term management of COVID-19.”

According to the release, Canada’s “series of adjustments to the current border measures” represent “the beginning of a phased easing of travel restrictions” and include easing the on-arrival testing requirements for fully vaccinated travelers.

Beginning February 28, 2022, fully vaccinated travelers (which means those who received at least 2 doses of an approved vaccine) arriving to Canada from any country will be randomly selected for arrival testing but are no longer required to quarantine while awaiting their test result. In addition, travelers to Canada now have more options when it comes to COVID-19 tests: they can take a COVID-19 rapid antigen test or a molecular test.

As the Government of Canada adjusts its Travel Health Notice from Level 3 to Level 2, it’s important to note that these eased travel restrictions apply only to vaccinated travelers. Unvaccinated travelers will continue to be required to test on arrival as well as on day 8 of their trip, and must quarantine for 14 days.

Still, easier travel to Canada means cheaper drugs for Americans who travel to Canada to secure the prescriptions they rely on in daily life. When Canada eases its COVID-19 testing requirement for Americans, vaccinated travelers will have more seamless access to their northern neighbor for the drugs they need.

For example, the anticoagulant drug Eliquis sells cheaper in Canada than in the United States, so being able to cross the border to purchase medications such as these makes a big difference in the bottom line of many American patients.

While free shipping has helped Americans get their Canadian drugs more affordably throughout the pandemic, now Americans can travel to order or pick up their own medications rather than waiting for them to arrive in the mail.

Still, no matter what travel restrictions are implemented, ordering from a reputable online Canadian pharmacy like Canadian Pharmacy World can be a convenient way to ensure an adequate supply of prescription medications, with hassle-free delivery directly to your doorstep.

As borders continue to open around the world, a return to better drug affordability is around the corner.

About the Company

Canadian Pharmacy World was established in 2006 and remains the primary choice for Canada drugs. It is located in Surrey, just 30 minutes from the border of Vancouver. For many years, we have been providing our customers with quality prescription and over-the-counter medications at excellent prices through our website.

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